1Why use speaker stands?
Speaker stands are stands on which loudspeakers are placed with the aim of improving the quality of sound from the speaker. In the 1980s musicians and high fidelity enthusiasts found that lifting speakers off the ground and mounting them on something with no vibration increased sound quality. Ordinary domestic furniture was not built with the properties that would deaden vibrations and so enhance the speaker’s sound. Speaker stands, therefore were purpose-built to remove any deleterious colorations that came about through unwanted vibration. Further research has shown that speakers are best positioned so that the tweeter is level with the ear of the listener and so speaker stands are often built so that they line up the speakers with the ear of a person when sitting down.
2Position your speakers
Speakers react with (and against) the environment in which they’re used. The positioning of speakers can have as much impact on the quality of sound as the cost of the music system and the speakers. Here is a simple method for getting the best out of your speakers quickly: The first thing to do is read the manual: the speaker manufacturers have used and tested your speakers extensively and often have a wealth of advice in their instructions. If your room is large enough, place the speakers around 8 feet apart. If not, place them slightly closer. Ensure that the speakers are not against any walls as the speakers can resonate against these surfaces in a way that will affect the sound. Imagine your speakers as two corners of an equilateral triangle and you as the third. Position the speakers to that the speakers are pointing towards you along the lines of the triangle. Ensure that your speakers are equidistant from the walls. Use a stand or solid, non-resonant surface to place your speakers on. The more sturdy the surface, the less sound will go through the stands and floor. Use rubber feet on the bottom of the speakers to minimise any vibration between the speaker and the speaker stands. Position your speakers according to how you listen. If you sit down when you listen to music, position the speakers so that the tweeter is level with your ear. Experiment from this position to see what you prefer.